
This project is a downloader for next.xuetangx.com.


  1. yarn global add @ritou11/xuetangxd or npm i -g @ritou11/xuetangxd
  2. Add a config file ~/.xuetangxd in the following format:
        "username": "<Username>",
        ["rsaPassword": "<Password hashed by RSA>",]
        ["password": "<Clear text password>",]
  • rsaPassword could be got by providing the clear text password and xuetangxd dryrun.
  1. Command format:
xuetangxd [command]

  xuetangxd dryrun                    show the info & donnot execute
  xuetangxd prepare [<cid>] [<sign>]  prepare the course cache file
  xuetangxd fetch                     fetch the course videos
  xuetangxd down [<cid>] [<sign>]     get the course video links

  --version           Show version number                              [boolean]
  -c, --config-file   Json file that contains username, md5_password and other
                      infomation.             [string] [default: "~/.xuetangxd"]
  -u, --username      Username of your account.                         [string]
  -p, --password      Plaintext password of your account.               [string]
  -m, --rsa-password  RSA password of your account.                     [string]
  -f, --cache-file    Use specified cache file to start                 [string]
  -o, --output-file   output cache file to the path                     [string]
  -q, --quality       High quality or not                              [boolean]
  --help              Show help                                        [boolean]
  1. <cid> and <sign> is from the link of the course, which follows https://next.xuetangx.com/course/<sign>/<cid>.
Haotian Liu
Haotian Liu
PhD of Electrical Engineering

My research interests include reinforcement learning, contextual bandit, power system and model-free control.
